Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

For the Fourth we had to go home to Idaho. We had so much fun I will let the slide speak for itself. Except for bowling... We went with the Davis family bowling, and let me tell you what, I have never once won but I killed it! Parker always beats me and he got second place and I beat him by 49 pins. I got a 133 which is my highest score (I know its not that great, but for me Heck Yes it is!) Parker was such a sore loser like always, but I loved every minute of it! We believe it was all in the funky socks I borrowed from Shannon so she let me keep them for my future games and we printed off the score and put it on their fridge like I was a little kid who got an A on their test! We had so much fun I hope we will do more things with them. Mason also is a pyro because he wanted to light of every firework and would just walk around casually with a sparkler close to his face. Gotta love it!!
Funny Pictures-
So Mason had some really funny moments last week so I had to take some pictures. He learned to crawl out of his crib and open doors the same day! My life will never be the same! So we have been transitioning him to his toddler bed and overall he has done well. We have found him in so many strange positions- half way out of his bed, on the floor, sitting on the floor with his head and back in bed. This is the only picture I got of him though, and its not even the most interesting way, but still cute!
You all know now I work in an office thats attached to my apartment, well they have a playroom with a glass window to see in. Mason doesn't really play in there but he does this!


Ross and Briar said...

I can't believe how grown up Mason looks in just the little bit of time you've been gone. We hope you are doing well! St George is too hot. I'm jealous that you're in better weather!!

Kellie Henry said...

Nothing better than the 4th in Idaho. I wish we could have been there it looks like a blast. All your pictures are so cute, and I love your blog design!

Anonymous said...

I'm so sad we didn't get to see you guys! Mason is getting so big and is so dang cute! Let us know the next time your coming to town. Ha, or least let ME know cuz Brock forgets. Miss ya guys!