Lilypie Pregnancy tickers

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Just a little update

So I have been horrible at taking pictures lately. So horrible, that in fact I missed a monumental day at the Davis residence. Parker turned 21! He decided he wanted to spend the weekend up at Kellie & Dan's house and my brother Craig decided to join too. It was fun to just hang out with everyone. I feel so bad because I didn't take one picture and where we were at someone elses house I never even made Parker a cake! (I know horrible wife)But the past is behind us, and the excitement of really turning 21 when you don't participate in any of the activities of turning 21 is pretty lame. So anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY PARKER! Your an amazing Dad and husband and Mason and I love you so much!

Life has been pretty much the same. Work, soccer, and poopy diapers! Mason brings more than poopy diapers, but its getting pretty old. Its crazy that in 6 months I will probably be starting to potty train him! He is such a sweetheart and is always giving us plenty of hugs and kisses. If you didn't know Mason was a little behind on his speech and is in a program to develop his vocabulary. I think it has worked well and he has been learning lots of new words. He is a momma's boy (and I love it)! He takes good care of me. He loves to help me empty the dishwasher and tonight he helped me make dinner. I couldn't ask for a better son, and I love him so much!

As for me, its just about the same. Although, one excitement at working at Alpine Storage is when they do mystery calls and we just had one. Someone will call for info about renting and the phone call will be recorded. They grade us and then we get rewarded with some extra mula! If you score 80-89 you get the grade in dollars but if you get 90+ they double the check. Sadly last time I got an 89 the worst score because you are so close to doubling, but this time I got a 96! Pretty pathetic, but that is most of the excitement at my work.

Mason is pretty sad though because he broke our DVD player and we can no longer have our Mommy and Mason movie nights, at least until Santa comes!
Until next time!

1 comment:

Kellie Henry said...

Sorry that I didn't take any pictures either. I suck at life:) But it was so fun to have you guys and celebrate. I miss little smart fart mason!!! He is too dang cute!