Yes, my friends, that is right! We are finally expecting another child! We are so excited to have another member of our family. Mason will finally get to be a big brother. He has been waiting patiently, much more than Mom! It's been a long process but so far the pregnancy is looking good. I am almost 13 weeks and we heard the babies heart beat today. A good 156. I can't complain my pregnancy has been like last time, pretty much symptom free. We are due on March 26, so if it comes 5 days early it will be a wonderful birthday present to me! I am so happy and grateful we have been blessed with another child, but at the same time this week is pretty hard. In two days, my angel baby would have been born. I know everything has happened for a reason, and honestly right now we would not be ready for one. I wish I could be holding that baby in two days, but I will patiently wait till March. The dr. told me that my chance of miscarriage has dropped tremendously since I am almost out of my 1st trimester. I am not to worried, but I am still praying we can have a strong and healthy baby! I wish to everyone pregnant that their babies can stick and to all Mom's to have healthy beautiful children! I will keep you posted on the whole thing!